Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Day 11: Buen Viaje

When I first left Nicaragua after living there for nearly two months, I felt a degree of relief to be returning to my native culture and loved ones. Before I left for this trip, I expected to feel something similar at its conclusion. I even joked about eating some sort of meat-based American meal when I returned.

But instead of this sense of relief, I found myself not wanting to leave. I had grown re-accustomed to the language, people, and culture in a way that I had not anticipated just 11 days before. I think my host family and their generosity, patience, and spirit was a large part of my becoming attached to the people, so I want to conclude by thanking them and everyone who helped us along the way, including Dr. Olga Valdman, Coordinator of the Global Health Track. Thank you for reading.

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